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Tips på hur du tar hand om huden nu på våren. - Ecoestic Sweden

News & tips

Tips on how to take care of your skin this spring.

by Ecoestic Sweden on Mar 20, 2024
Vernal equinox today and now spring is officially here. Then it is perfect to start saying goodbye to winter soon and prepare the skin for spring and summer. Below you will find 6 different tips on how to prepare your skin for spring: Moisturize: After the cold and dry air of winter, your skin needs extra moisture. Use a moisturizing face cream and body lotion to restore moisture balance. Sunscreen: Even though it's not as sunny as in summer, it's still important to protect your skin from UV rays. Use a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day. Exfoliate: Remove dead skin cells by using a gentle exfoliating product a few times a week. This helps to promote cell renewal and give your skin a fresher and more even tone. Cleaning: Switch to a gentler cleanser that doesn't dry out the skin. Avoid strong soaps that can cause excessive drying. Protect hands and lips: These areas are particularly vulnerable to dryness. Use a moisturizing hand cream and lip balm regularly to keep them soft and hydrated. Drink water: Stay hydrated by drinking enough water every day. This helps keep your skin healthy and radiant. By following these simple tips, you can help your skin transition smoothly from winter to spring and maintain its health and glow.
Ta hand om dina händer - Ecoestic Sweden

News & tips

Take care of your hands

by Ecoestic Sweden on Nov 14, 2023
Dry hands can be caused by various factors, including weather conditions, frequent washing, use of harsh detergents or lack of moisture. To treat dry hands, consider the following:  Use hand cream: Regular use of a moisturizing hand cream helps to hydrate the skin. Apply the cream after each hand wash and before going to bed. Avoid hot showers: Hot showers can dry out the skin. Try using lukewarm water instead.  Protect your hands: Wear gloves when doing tasks that may expose your hands to strong cleaning agents or extreme weather.  Avoid harsh soap products: Use mild, moisturizing soaps to avoid further drying out the skin.  Drink enough water: Staying hydrated helps promote healthy skin.  If the problem persists or worsens, it may be helpful to consult a dermatologist for personal advice and treatment.